Anglo, Alma Mae D., author.

Analysis of factors influencing the food consumption behavior of young professionals in Tanza, Cavite / Alma Mae D. Anglo, Charissa Claire V. Hernandez, and Junie Jie O. Morente. - Rosario, Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2022. - x,58 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm

Undergraduate Thesis (BSBM)--Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2022.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

Anglo, Alma Mae D., Hernandez, Charissa Claire V., Moriente, Junejie O. Analysis of Factors Influencing the Food Consumption Behavoir of Young Professionals in Tanza,Cavite. Thesis, Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management, Cavite State University - Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus, Rosario, Cavite. January 2022. Adviser: Laarnie E. Manuel, MBA Technical Critic: Juvie B. Abad, MBA.

All people have their own kind of ways of food consumption behavoir. The study aimed to determine the factors that influence food consumption behavoir. The study aimed to determined factors that influence food consumption behavoir of Young Professionals in Tanza, Cavite. It is also determined the degree of influence in addressing how these factors were influential to the participants. The primary and secondary data were utilized in the study. Moreover, the used of online survey questionnaire which distributed via Google Form enabled the researchers to gathered data. As a result, the factors, influencing the food consumption of the participants, are as follows: (1) economic factors; (2) physical factors; and (3) social factors. Wherein, in terms, of economic factors, it revealed that employment and income are the most influential when it comes to the consumption of the participants. In line with that, in physical factors, accessibility to food source obtained the highest percentage which means the availability of food can really influence their food consumption. Futhermore, reference groups and lifestyle were the factors which influenced the consumption of the participants in terms of social factors. The study concluded that young professionals were consuming their meal such as breakfast, lunch and dinner as always. Futhermore, economic, factors, physical factors, and social factors can highly influence their food consumption. The proponents of the study recommend to consider those factors influencing the consumption behavoir of the respondents that may help marketers to have insights and knowledge on how they can improve their strategy through the result of the study.

In English Text.

UM TX 353 / A54 2022

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