Belecina, Rene R., author.

Statistics and Probability / Rene R. Belecina, Elisa S. Baccay and Efren B. Mateo. - First edition. - Manila : Rex Book Store, c2016. - vi, 331 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

CORE K to 12.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Chapter 2: Normal Distribution
Chapter 3: Sampling and sampling Distribution
Chapter 4: Estimation of Parameters
Chapter 5: Conducting Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 6: Correlation and Regression Analysis

E-Math for Senior High School - Statistics and Probability is a work text aligned to the K to 12 Curriculum of the Department of Education. Lessons are organized using spiral approach, assuring that there are no gaps and overlaps from G10 curriculum and the higher education GEC math subjects.

The lesson structure adopts the Readiness-Engagement-Mastery (R-E-M) model of Rex Book Store Inc. Desired learning competencies are carefully developed using various learning activities namely:

1. Activating prior knowledge;
2. Motivating contexts;
3. Activity-based learning;
4. Directed inquiry;
5. Practice activities;
6. Reflective learning tasks. And
7. Extended tasks.
Learning activities are geared towards the development of learning and innovation skills, life and career skills, information, media, and technology skills.

Exercises are tired in nature addressing higher order thinking skills. Performance tasks features new careers in the industry.

English text.


Statistics--Problems, exercises, etc.

F QA276 / B45 2016

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