Boogren, Tina H., author.

Supporting beginning teachers / Tina H. Boogren. - Bloomington, Indiana : Solution Tree, c2022. - 120 pages : ix, illustrations.

To access the E-Book : (Log-in/Register is required).

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Research and Theory
Elements of an Effective Mentoring Program
Physical Support
Institutional Support
Emotional Support
Instructional Support
Appendix: Reflections of a Beginning Teacher
References and Resources

This book shows educators how to support and retain the best and brightest new teachers, by establishing programs for better beginning teacher support and professional growth. It offers tips for overwhelmed teachers and how to address high teacher burnout.

In English text.

9781943360642 (e-book)

First year teachers--Teachers-In-service training.
Mentoring in education.

EBOP LB 2844.1 / O56 2022