Macabinguil, Jinglyn S., author.

A case study : customers' assessment of Pups and Cups Dog Cafe at 104 Gloria Diaz St., Bf, Las Pinas City / Jinglyn S. Macabinguil, Mary Ann E. Oraya, and Jhannine S. Vitobina. - Rosario, Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2019. - xiv, 55 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm

A Case Study (BSBM) Major in Marketing Management -- Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2019.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

JINGLYN S. MACABINGUIL, MARY ANN E. ORAYA, JHANNINE S. VITOBINA, CUSTOMERS'ASSESSMENT OF PUPS AND CUPS DOG CAFÉ AT 104 GLORIA DIAZ ST. BF LAS PINAS CITY. Under graduate thesis Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management at Cavite State University- CCAT Campus. April 2019. Adviser: Mrs. Laarnie R.Manuel. Technical critic: Mr. Arman M. Ambas, MBA.

The research was conducted from January to April 2019. The study aimed to analyze the customers' assessment of Pups and Cups Dog Café. The general objective of the study is to determine the customers' assessment of Pups and Cups Dog Café. It specifically sought to:

1.) Determine the socio and demographic profile of the customer of Pups and Cups Dog Café at 104 Gloria Diaz St. Bf Resort Las Pinas City: 1.1 Address,1.2 Sex,1.3 Age,1.4 Civil Status and 1.5 Average Range Monthly Income. 2.) Identify the products being offered by Pups and Cups Dog Café at 104 Gloria Diaz St. Bf Resort Las Pinas City.3.) Evaluate the customer satisfaction in terms of: a. product, b. price, c. place, d. promotion and e. services. 4.) Identify the problems being encountered by the customer inside the establishment;and recommend possible solution.

The data being utilized in this study were obtained from primary and secondary sources. Primary data was based on personal observation, survey questionnaire and interview. Secondary data were obtained from books, internet and other information provided by the owner and personnel of Pups and Cups Cafe.

Descriptive Method of Analysis was conducted through observation and interview with the personnel was used by the researchers in conducting the study. SWOT Analysis may also be used for further study.

The research study includes the customers' assessment of Pups and Cups and the problems encountered by the customer of the café. The proponents also conducted SWOT Analysis of the firm.

The following conclusions were formulated based on the result of the study; Majority of the customers of the café were female, who's age ranged from 20 years old and below. Majority of participants were single and majority of them were residents of Las Piñas City.However, Pups and Cups Dog Café was a well-known café not only in Las Pinas City, but also in different places such as; Cavite, Paranaque, Pasay and Taguig. The study revealed that different variance of pasta and starter were the most preferred product of the participants, because according to the unstructured interview with them, they find it more delicious compare with other related establishment. For the beverages, iced beverage, was the most preferred by the majority of the respondents. With regards, to the assessment of customer satisfaction, it was revealed that most of the participants were moderately satisfied with average mean of 3.98% On the other hand, price and promotion got the lowest grand mean score among the others. The study revealed that the problems encountered by the customers were as follows; product price was high compare with its quantity or servings, some food and drinks in the menu were not always available. Furthermore,the researchers conducted observation on the actual operation of the cafe, and the researchers sited possible problems: cups has no logo of the company, entire area of the cafe was too small to accommodate numbers of customers. In addition credit card was not allowed for payment transaction. Overstaying of customer resulted to overcrowding of the area, and insufficient tables for new customer. There were no CCTV inside and outside the café, to ensure the safety of the employees. There were also, limited stock of the ingredients, resulted to product stock out.

Based on the findings of the study, it was revealed that majority of the customers of the Pups and Cups, ranged from 20 years old and below,therefore,the researchers suggests that the establishment may consider to offer budget-friendly for these customers, so that products will be more affordable for them or some of promotional strategies. Based on the findings, among the products of Pups and Cups Cafe, rice meaI and flavored iced beverages got the lowest rate. Therefore, the researchers would like to recommend to the owner of the cafe to have a promotion on this products to make a better income, and they should think of a more strategic way of promoting their rice meal and flavored iced latte. Based on the findings, it was revealed that the Pups and Cups promotional activities and product price got the lower grand mean on the assessment of satisfaction level,therefore the researchers would like to recommend to the management to increase their promotional activities, like giving a discounts, loyalty cards, gift checks so that the promotion enticing to the customers and it also save a little more. With regards to, some food and drinks that were not always available on their menu due to the limited stocks of ingredients, researchers would like to recommend the employees to purchase the ingredients or needed stock in advance, or ahead, and maintain a right stock level, to make it sufficient for the day to day business operation. In addition, buying in bulk, may provide the company an opportunity to lessen expenses. Furthermore, researchers would like also to recommend, that instead of putting not available stickers on the product that is no longer available, is to, put a “best seller”note, so that the customers will not have much negative reaction, if the product that they have requested to be served were already unavailable or out of stock. As for the place researchers would like to recommend,to consider renovating the entire store, because the space of the café was too small to accommodate high number of customers. Moreover, the researchers would like to recommend to have a spacious parking area exclusively for the customers who have vehicles.Researchers also recommend the owner to have have CCTV in different areas of the establishment, in order to be prepared on inevitable circumstances, secure the safety of the cafe, and monitor the daily operation of the enterprise.

Company logo is very important in strengthening brand awareness, and customer brand loyalty,therefore the researchers recommend to put a logo in every cups being used in the cafe. Lastly, the researchers recommend to consider necessary actions on each problems that the company may encounter, so that it won't lead to a more serious problems. The management may do it, by means of determining the root cause in order to provide necessary solutions on these problems.

In English text.

Csutomer satisfaction.
Case study.
Customer evaluation -- Pups and Cups Dog Cafe -- Management -- Philippines.

UM HF 5415.335 / M23 2019