Corporate social responsibility, good governance, and environmental accountability : a tri-focal approach to the philosophy of business / Ernesto H. Mendoza, Lorma S.P. Garcia.
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Summary: Is business a stakeholder or just plain shareholder? Must the exercise of the corporate social responsibility be mandated or voluntary? Is there a relationship between environmental accountability and political will? These are but a few questions which this book endeavoured to answer in covering the varied dimensions of the philosophy of business which centered on the use of the tri-focal approach. Beyond just answering these questions however, serious efforts were pursued to link the concepts and principles with real-life situations in the world of business. This is designed not just to elicit better understanding of the topics covered but more so, to give students a relevant and broad-based understanding of the actual experiences on the ground. What set this book apart from the rest however, are the case studies presented here which were drawn from actual field exposures and concrete experiences of the authors as corporate practitioners and seasoned executives in their chosen filed. The wealth of knowledge shared, decision making exhibited and specific choices made to achieve a definite corporate goal can be very enriching for serious students using this book.
I – Understanding culture, society & politics II – Corporate social responsibility III – Corporate good governance IV – Corporate environmental accountability
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