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Customer care management strategies of selected Dental Clinics amidst the Covid-19 pandemic in Rosario, Cavite / Denise Renaei P. Delos Reyes, Kristal L. Melo, and Jaima R. Sinsay.

By: Delos Reyes, Denise Renaei P., authorContributor(s): Melo, Kristal L., author | Sinsay, Jaima R., author | Tadeo, Jerico B., adviser | Manuel, Laarnie R., technical criticMaterial type: TextTextPublisher: Rosario, Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2022Description: xi, 109 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cmSubject(s): Customer services -- Management | Dental clinics | Covid-19 pandemicLOC classification: UM HF 5415.5 | De45 2022Summary: DELOS REYES, DENISE RANAEI P., MELO, KRISTAL L., SINSAY, JAIMA R. CUSTOMER CARE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF SELECTED DENTAL CLINICS AMIDST THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN ROSARIO, CAVITE.Thesis, Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management. Cavite State University - Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus, Rosario Cavite. November 2021.Adviser: Jerico B. Tadeo,MaECON, Technical Critic: Laarnie R. Manuel, MBA. Customer care management strategies established strong relationship between service provider and customer it increasing the customer satisfaction and loyalty resulting to company success. Hence, the researchers aimed to understands the customer care management strategies of selected dental clinics in Rosario, Cavite. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design as well as the purposive sampling method in selecting the 20 dental clinics in Rosario, Cavite. Descriptive survey design was used to measure the level of extensiveness in service render by the dental clinics and correlational design was utilized to understand the significant relationship between the extensiveness of challenges and participants profile. The study revealed that most of dental clinic owned by sole proprietorship were currently providing their service for six to 11 years. The study revealed that most of dental clinics faced challenges (1) Monitoring social media conversation (2) Sort of available technologies (3) Cost of technology investment (4) Aligning training with the management operating goals (5) Cost. In other hand, the study further revealed that dental clinics in Rosario, Cavite mostly of them offer brace service in their clinic. Hence, the researchers recommend that dental clinics should focus to the communication channel, adopting new technology, employees training management and reducing supply expenses.
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Item type Current location Collection Shelving location Call number Copy number Status Date due Barcode
Thesis/Manuscripts/Dissertations Thesis/Manuscripts/Dissertations Cavite State University - CCAT Campus
Thesis/Manuscript/Dissertation TH UM HF 5415.5 De45 2022 (Browse shelf) 1 Available T0005351

Undergraduate Thesis (BSBM)--Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2022.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

DELOS REYES, DENISE RANAEI P., MELO, KRISTAL L., SINSAY, JAIMA R. CUSTOMER CARE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF SELECTED DENTAL CLINICS AMIDST THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN ROSARIO, CAVITE.Thesis, Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management. Cavite State University - Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus, Rosario Cavite. November 2021.Adviser: Jerico B. Tadeo,MaECON, Technical Critic: Laarnie R. Manuel, MBA.

Customer care management strategies established strong relationship between service provider and customer it increasing the customer satisfaction and loyalty resulting to company success. Hence, the researchers aimed to understands the customer care management strategies of selected dental clinics in Rosario, Cavite. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design as well as the purposive sampling method in selecting the 20 dental clinics in Rosario, Cavite. Descriptive survey design was used to measure the level of extensiveness in service render by the dental clinics and correlational design was utilized to understand the significant relationship between the extensiveness of challenges and participants profile. The study revealed that most of dental clinic owned by sole proprietorship were currently providing their service for six to 11 years. The study revealed that most of dental clinics faced challenges (1) Monitoring social media conversation (2) Sort of available technologies (3) Cost of technology investment (4) Aligning training with the management operating goals (5) Cost. In other hand, the study further revealed that dental clinics in Rosario, Cavite mostly of them offer brace service in their clinic. Hence, the researchers recommend that dental clinics should focus to the communication channel, adopting new technology, employees training management and reducing supply expenses.

In English text.

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