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The purchasing behavior on pre-need plans in General Trias, Cavite / Jasmine Nicole C. Asunto, Ana Mae P. Dodon, and Michelle E. Senaris.

By: Asunto, Jasmine C., authorContributor(s): Dondon, Ana Mae P., author | Señaris, Michelle E., author | Dumlao, Elizabeth R., adviser | Ambas, Arman M., technical criticMaterial type: TextTextPublisher: Rosario Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2019Description: xiii, 53 leaves : Illustrations ; 28 cmSubject(s): | | LOC classification: UM HF 5415.33 | As88 2019Summary: ASUNTO, JASMINE NICOLE C, DONDON ANA MAE P, SEÑARIS MICHELLE E, THE PURCHASING BEHAVIOR ON PRE-NEED PLANS IN GENERAL TRIAS, CAVITE. Marketing Research. Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management. Cavite State University-CCAT, Rosario, Cavite. May 2019. Adviser: Dr. Elizabeth R. Dumlao. Technical critic: Mr. Arman M. Ambas The study was conducted from January to March 2019 on the selected barangays of General Trias, Cavite such as Bacao II, Pasong Camachile I, Pinagtipunan, Buenavista I, San Francisco. This study specifically aimed to focus on the Purchasing Behavior on the Pre-need Plans in General Trias Cavite. The objectives of the study were to determine the demographic profile of the participants, Find out the most frequently availed pre- need plans ,identify the factors that influence the consumer purchasing decision the most, determine the factors that costumer consider in purchasing pre- need plans. The study as completely based on the population of the General Trias, Cavite with 100 participants who were carefully selected. The descriptive method was adapted and used by the researchers in conducting the study. Questionnaires were used for the survey techniques and evaluation through percentage. The questionnaires were done and employed in order to gather data from the participants. This data gathering tool elaborated the purchasing behavior on pre-need plans. The data obtained were subjected to statistical treatment utilizing the frequency and percentage. As the result of survey, the findings revealed that the majority of the participants were adults with a frequency of 44 or 44.00% aged 51 years old and above. The majority of the participants were female with the frequency of 77 or 77.00%, while male with 23 or 23.00%. The civil status of the participants was mostly married with a frequency of 61 or 61.00%. Most of the participants were self-employed with a frequency of 45 or 45.00% that mostly owns a small business. In terms of educational attainment, most of the participants were high school graduates. The monthly income of the participants ranged from PHP 10,000 and below with a frequency of 41 or 41.00%. All of the participants were aware of pre-need plans. That is because some pre-need plans doesn't cost too much in their monthly premium. The most frequently availed is the memorial plan that is because the belief of unexpected death of someone and, the cost of burial and wake is not that affordable. According to Kunreuther (2018), consumers face many risky situations that can severely impact their wealth from one year to the next. People sometimes behave in conflicting ways in such setting an individual may face risks that do not consider purchasing until suffering a loss. Most of the consumers prefer to avail memorial plans in St. Peter Life Plan because of the convenience and affordability of monthly premium that does not exceed over PHP 1,000 and paid by cash. Consumers consider the plan's benefits in purchasing pre-need plans because of the convenience and security given to them. The reason why they purchase such plans is for the security of their future and the benefit it brings once they retire. The information is passed through family members, it was because of a well-known Filipino characteristics that holds a strong family ties. The life plan coverage of the pre-need plans affects the purchasing behavior of the consumers. According to Singy (2015),product preference was hypothesized to be function of ideal agreement.
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Thesis/Manuscripts/Dissertations Thesis/Manuscripts/Dissertations Cavite State University - CCAT Campus
Thesis/Manuscript/Dissertation TH UM UM HF 5415.33 As88 2019 (Browse shelf) 1 Available T0005187

A Marketing Research (BSBM) Major in Marketing Management -- Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2019.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

ASUNTO, JASMINE NICOLE C, DONDON ANA MAE P, SEÑARIS MICHELLE E, THE PURCHASING BEHAVIOR ON PRE-NEED PLANS IN GENERAL TRIAS, CAVITE. Marketing Research. Bachelor of Science in Business Management Major in Marketing Management. Cavite State University-CCAT, Rosario, Cavite. May 2019. Adviser: Dr. Elizabeth R. Dumlao. Technical critic: Mr. Arman M. Ambas

The study was conducted from January to March 2019 on the selected barangays of General Trias, Cavite such as Bacao II, Pasong Camachile I, Pinagtipunan, Buenavista I, San Francisco. This study specifically aimed to focus on the Purchasing Behavior on the Pre-need Plans in General Trias Cavite.

The objectives of the study were to determine the demographic profile of the participants, Find out the most frequently availed pre- need plans ,identify the factors that influence the consumer purchasing decision the most, determine the factors that costumer consider in purchasing pre- need plans. The study as completely based on the population of the General Trias, Cavite with 100 participants who were carefully selected.

The descriptive method was adapted and used by the researchers in conducting the study. Questionnaires were used for the survey techniques and evaluation through percentage. The questionnaires were done and employed in order to gather data from the participants. This data gathering tool elaborated the purchasing behavior on pre-need plans. The data obtained were subjected to statistical treatment utilizing the frequency and percentage.

As the result of survey, the findings revealed that the majority of the participants were adults with a frequency of 44 or 44.00% aged 51 years old and above. The majority of the participants were female with the frequency of 77 or 77.00%, while male with 23 or 23.00%. The civil status of the participants was mostly married with a frequency of 61 or 61.00%. Most of the participants were self-employed with a frequency of 45 or 45.00% that mostly owns a small business. In terms of educational attainment, most of the participants were high school graduates. The monthly income of the participants ranged from PHP 10,000 and below with a frequency of 41 or 41.00%.

All of the participants were aware of pre-need plans. That is because some pre-need plans doesn't cost too much in their monthly premium. The most frequently availed is the memorial plan that is because the belief of unexpected death of someone and, the cost of burial and wake is not that affordable. According to Kunreuther (2018), consumers face many risky situations that can severely impact their wealth from one year to the next. People sometimes behave in conflicting ways in such setting an individual may face risks that do not consider purchasing until suffering a loss. Most of the consumers prefer to avail memorial plans in St. Peter Life Plan because of the convenience and affordability of monthly premium that does not exceed over PHP 1,000 and paid by cash. Consumers consider the plan's benefits in purchasing pre-need plans because of the convenience and security given to them. The reason why they purchase such plans is for the security of their future and the benefit it brings once they retire. The information is passed through family members, it was because of a well-known Filipino characteristics that holds a strong family ties. The life plan coverage of the pre-need plans affects the purchasing behavior of the consumers. According to Singy (2015),product preference was hypothesized to be function of ideal agreement.

In English text.

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