Readings for writers / [compiled by] Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell, Anthony C. Winkler.
Material type: TextPublisher: Boston, MA : Thomson/Wadsworth, 2007Edition: Twelfth edition. instructor's edDescription: xxv, 820 pages : illustrations (some col.) ; 23 cmISBN: 9781413016291 (pbk.); 1413016294 (pbk.)Subject(s): College readers | English language -- Rhetoric -- Problems, exercises, etc | Report writing -- Problems, exercises, etcDDC classification: CIR 808.042719 LOC classification: CIR PN 36 | M48 2007
Summary: For more than three decades, READINGS FOR WRITERS has been the preeminent rhetorical reader for the freshman composition course. This best-seller continues its tradition of providing the most comprehensive coverage of writing, while offering the most selections of any other rhetorical reader- more than 100 selections from a broad range of topics and genres. Building on its extensive coverage of critical thinking and writing, the Twelfth Edition now features a new four-color "Image Gallery." The "Image Gallery" contains an extensive collection of captivating images related to the themes of the issues featured in the modes chapters. These engaging images prompt discussions and assignments-sparking students' imaginations, and encouraging them to write better essays. Now, more than ever, READINGS FOR WRITERS better prepares students to write successfully in college and the workplace than any other rhetorical reader.
Part I: READING AND WRITING. Introduction to Part I: from Reading to Writing. 1. Guidelines For Critical Reading. Reading: The Doorway to Writing. Louis L'Amour, from Education of a Wandering Man. 2. What is Rhetoric? Editors? Note. Editors' Counsel. Advice. What--and How--to Write When You Have No Time to Write. Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream. Clementine Churchill, Letter to her Husband. James Herriot, Have a Cigar. Real Life Student Writing: E-mail from Samoa. 3. What is a Writer's Voice? Editors' Note. Voice: Why did the chicken cross the road? Advice. Paul Roberts, How to Say Nothing in Five Hundred Words. Mort Castle, Tone: The Writer's Voice in the Reader's Mind. Mary Maclane, Me. Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Remarks on the Life of Sacco and on His Own Life and Execution. Langston Hughes, Salvation. Anthony C. Winkler, Killing Ants in the Kitchen at 3 a.m. Real Life Student Writing: A thank-you note written to an aunt. 4. What Is A Thesis? Editors' Note. Advice. Sheridan Baker, The Thesis. Roxanne Roberts, The Grieving Never Ends. Flannery O'Connor, A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Edna St. Vincent Millay, Spring. Real Life Student Writing: A eulogy to a friend killed in a car wreck. 5. How Do I Organize? Editors' Note. Advice. Edward T. Thompson, How to Write Clearly. E. M. Forster, My Wood. Roger Rosenblatt, Rules for Aging. James Thurber, The Catbird Seat. William Shakespeare, That Time of Year (Sonnet). Real Life Student Writing: Note from a grad student to a department secretary. 6. Developing Paragraphs. Editors' Note. Advice. A. M. Tibbetts and Charlene Tibbetts, Writing Successful Paragraphs. Paragraphs with the Topic Sentence at the Beginning. Edith Hamilton, From The Lessons of the Past. William Somerset Maugham, Pain. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, I Am Tired of Fighting (Surrender Speech). Paragraphs with the Topic Sentence at the End. W. T. Stace, Man against Darkness. Mark Van Doren, What Is a Poet? Lewis Thomas, M.D., On Disease. Robert Frost, The Flood. Real Life Student Writing: Letter of application to a honors program. Part II: PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT: THE RHETORICAL MODES 7. Narration. Editors' Note. What Narration Does. When to Use Narration. How to Write a Narration. Warming Up to Write a Narration. George Orwell, Shooting an Elephant. Maya Angelou, My Name Is Margaret. Dick Gregory, Shame. Tom Huntington, James Boswell?s Scotland. Robert Hayden, Those Winter Sundays. Punctuation Workshop: The Period. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Terrorism. Abdullah Momin, What Does Islam Say About Terrorism? Postscript to Inside The Kingdom: My Life In Saudi Arabial Carmen bin Laden. Student Corner. Sion Arakelian, Glendale Community College, The Right Moves Against Terrorism. How I Write / How I Wrote This Essay/ My Writing Tip. 8. Description. Editors' Note. What Description Does. When to Use Description. How to Write a Description. Warming up to Write a Description. Punctuation Workshop: Commas. H. L. Mencken, The Libido for the Ugly. James Joyce, Hell. Eudora Welty, A Worn Path. May Swenson, Pigeon Woman. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Body Image. Cindy Maynard, Body Image. Anna Quindlen, Stretch Marks. Student Corner. Shelley Taylor, SUNY at Oswego, Spanking: So What is the Fuss About? 9. Process Analysis. Editors' Note. What Process Analysis Does. When to Use Process Analysis. How to Write a Process Analysis. Warming up to write a process analysis. Thomas Fleming, This is a Mortal Wound. Sir Arthur Grimble, Hunting Octopus in the Gilbert Islands. William Shirer, Hitler's Workday. Kenneth Patchen, How to Be an Army. Punctuation Workshop: The Semicolon. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Ageism. Painting: Henry Koerner, My Parents. Malcolm Cowley, The View from Eighty. Marya Mannes, Stay Young. Student Corner. Kimberly Caitlin Wheeler, Yale University, Aging. 10. Illustration / Exemplification. Editors' Note. What Illustration / Exemplification Does. When to Use Illustration /Exemplification. How to Use Illustration /Exemplification. Warming up to write an illustration. F. L. Lucas, What is Style? Barry Parr, The Buck Stops Where? John Leo, "Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall ...". Punctuation Workshop: The Dash. Adrienne Rich, Living in Sin Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Drug Abuse. Gore Vidal, Drugs. Morton M. Kondracke, Don't Legalize Drugs. Student Corner. Linda Kunze, Glendale Community College, Drug Use: The Continuing Epidemic. 11. Definition. Editors' Note. What Definition Does. When to Use Definition. How to Use Definition. Warming up to write a definition. William A. Henry III, The Politics of Separation. Ellen Goodman, The Company Man. Pico Iyer, In Praise of the Humble Comma. Gilbert Highet, Kitsch. Archibald MacLeish, Ars Poetica. Poetry Workshop: The Apostrophe. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Immigration. Eduardo Porter, Illegal Immigrants Are Bolstering Social Security with Billions. Bill Bryson, Wide-Open Spaces. Student Corner. Michele Izzo, University of Maryland, Saving Life on Earth--It Doesn't Take an Education. 12. Comparison/Contrast. Editors' Note. What Comparison/Contrast Does. When to Use Comparison/Contrast. How to Use Comparison/Contrast. Warming Up to Write a Comparison/Contrast. Punctuation Workshop: The Question Mark. Suzanne Jordan, That Lean and Hungry Look. Gilbert Highet, Diogenes and Alexander. Bruce Catton, Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts. Khaled Hassein, Baba and Me. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: The Existence of God. John Haynes Holmes, Ten Reasons for Believing in Immortality. James A. Haught, Breaking the Last Taboo. Children's Letters to God. Student Corner. Ara Babaian, Loyola Law School of Los Angeles, The Existence of God. 13. Division/Classification. Editors' Note. What Division/Classification Does. When to Use Division/Classification. How to Use Division/Classification. Warming Up to Write a Division/Classification. Paul M. Muchinsky, Move Over, Teams. William Golding, Thinking as a Hobby. John Holt, Kinds of Discipline. Francis Bacon, The Idols. Bart Edelman, English 101. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Racism. Painting: Rupert Garcia, Mexico, Chile, Soweto. Melba Patillo Beals, Warriors Don't Cry. Sarah L. and A. Elizabeth Delany, "Incidents With White People". Student Corner. Racism: Nancey Phillips, California State University at Long Beach, How Far Have We Come? 14. Causal Analysis. Editors' Note. What Causal Analysis Does. When to Use Causal Analysis. How to Use Causal Analysis. Warming Up to Write a Causal Analysis. Linda M. Hass, A Peaceful Woman Explains Why She Carries a Gun. Jimmy Santiago Baca, Coming into Language. Jim Corbett, Why Tigers Become Man-Eaters. Henry David Thoreau, Why I Went to the Woods. Kate Chopin, The Storm. Robert Frost, Design. Punctuation Workshop: The Exclamation Point. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: The Status of Women. Kate Gubata, The New Feminism. Rebecca E. Rubins, The Farce of Feminism. Student Corner. Paula Rewa, East Tennessee State University, "Woman" Is a Noun. 15. Argumentation and Persuasion. Editors' Counsel. What Argumentation Does. When to Use Argumentation. How to Use Argumentation. Warming up to write an argument. Punctuation Workshop: Quotation Marks. Cyra McFadden, In Defense of Gender. Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal. Judy Syfers, I Want a Wife. Andrew Vachss, Sex Predators Can't Be Saved. James Michie, Dooley Is a Traitor. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Homelessness. Painting: Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley. Homeless: Joseph Perkins, Expose the Myths. Matt Lynch, The Homeless Lack a Political Voice, But Not American Ideals. Student Corner. Antoinette Poodt, Furman University, People Out on a Limb. 16. Combining The Modes. Editors' Note. What Combining the Patterns Does. When to Combine the Patterns. How to Combine the Patterns. Alan DeVoe, Shrew?The Littlest Mammal. Punctuation Workshop. Jack Connor, Will Spelling Count? E. B. White, Once More to the Lake. Issue for Critical Thinking and Debate: Same Sex Marriage. R. Albert Mohler, The Case Against Homosexual Marriage. Dr. Susan Block, Same-Sex Marriage: Just Say No to Prohibition. Student Corner. Part III: REWRITING YOUR WRITING. The editing booth. Part VI: SPECIAL WRITING PROJECTS. Assignment 1: The Research Projects. Why English Instructors Assign Research Papers. How to Choose Your Topic. How to Narrow Your Subject. The Process of Writing the Paper. Prepare ?Works Cited? or ?References.? Write the Final Copy. Annotated MLA style paper. Annotated APA style paper. Assignment 2: The Literary Paper. How to Write About Literature. The In-Class Essay on Literature. Finding and Expressing a Theme. Analyzing Character and Action. Interpreting Symbols. Commenting on Form. Annotated Literary paper. Glossary. Literary Credits. Index.
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