TALISAY (Terminalia Catappa L.) nuts as an alternative ingredient in making nut butter spread / Charisse Ayra C. Clamosa [and three others]. - Rosario, Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2012. - xiii, 34 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm

Research Study (LSHS) -- Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2012.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

(Terminalia Catappa L) Nuts as an Alternative Ingredient in Making e
Butter Spread. A Research Study Submitted to the Faculty of the Science
Education Laboratory High School Department of the Cavite State University
Rosario, Cavite. March 2012. Adviser Mrs. Marilou P. Luseco.
The aim of this study is to determine if Talisay nuts can be used as an
alternative ingredient in making nut butter spread; determine significant
difference in the nutritional content of the product in the three treatments;
determine the microorganisms thriving in the Talisay nut butter spread; and
determine the shelf-life of Talisay nut butter spread.
Nut Butter is a very popular sandwich spread all over the world:;
traditionally it is made up of nuts and oil. In the market, countless numbers of nut
butters samples are produced. The researchers came up to a study in utilizing
talisay nuts in preparation of nut butter spread.
Talisay nut butter spread is composed of roasted talisay nuts, sugar, salt
and peanut oil. The amounts of each ingredient are as follows among treatments
respectively. For roasted talisay nuts: 25 grams, 50 grams and 75 grams. Sugar
has standard measurement of 5 grams, Salt is constant with 2.5 grams and
peanut oil with 50 mL.
As a result of completing the above procedure, this research study has a
completed examination of proximate nutritional analysis and microbiologica
analysis from the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (CASL-BlOTECH) of University of the Philippines L0s Baños. Among treatments,
the highest percentage of crude fat is in treatment 2. 71.00lo, while it coitalo
69.99% on treatment 3 and 69.00% on treatment 1. 9.84% is the nigrie
percentage on crude fiber from the Treatment 2. next is 9,82% from the
treatment 3 and 9.21°% from the treatment 1. Crude protein from the treatment 1
is 8.52% followed by 8.40% from the treatment 3 and the lowest is 8.00% from
the treatment 1. Ash content of the Talisay nut butter spread for treatment 11S
3.12 and on treatment 2 is 3.12%, while on the treatment 3 is 4.00%. Moisture
content of treatment 1 and 2 is the sarme with 0.29% and the treatment 3 0.30%.
The results also showed the microbiological analysis among treatments. E coli,
Salmonella, Shigella, Micrococcus aureus, Aspergillus nigger and Listeria
monocytogenes was not detected.

In English text.

Talisay nuts.
Nut butter spread.
Alternative ingredients.
Shelf life.
Food innovation.

UM TX 814 / T35 2012

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