Driza, Renjie G., author.

Effects of the strength of magnetic field on seed germination of corn (zea mays) / Renjie G. Driza, Cyrill Ann V. Mamaril, and Phoebee Marie E. Ramos. - Rosario, Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2014. - xi, 39 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm

Research Study (LSHS)--Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2014.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

DRIZA, RENJIE G., MAMARIL, CYRIL ANN V., and RAMOS, PHOЕВЕЕ MARIE E. "The Effect of the Strength of Magnetic Field on the Rate of Seed Germination of Corn (Zea Mays) Science Education Laboratory School Cavite State University Rosario Campus. 2014. Adviser. Mrs. Bernadette F. Lim

The study entitled "The Effect of the Strength of Magnetic Field on the Rate of Seed Germination of Corn (Zea Mays)" was conducted at General Trias, Cavite from November 2013 to January 2014. This study aimed to improve corn production through enhanced corn seed germination that may result into a good harvest. Specifically, the seed germination of corn exposed to varying strength of magnetic field in terms of, number of seeds germinate and length of seedling. This study employed varying strength of magnetic field on corn seed germination using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) Corn seeds bought at B.V Tamio Enterprises in Tanza, Cavite were used as samples.

Results showed that the corn seeds that were exposed in magnetic field grow faster than the control group which was not exposed in magnetic field. On the contrary, the data show that the null hypothesis was not accepted. Therefore, there was no significant difference on the rate of germination of corn seeds exposed to magnetic field.

Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that there was no significant difference on the rate of germination of corn seeds exposed to magnetic field. It can further be concluded that magnet has a component that makes the corn seeds grow faster This may be due to the fact that everything has electrons. While scientists believe that plant roots grow toward gravity and most stems grow toward light, there is speculation that strong magnetic fields have an even stronger effect, causing them to "pick up the pace," so to speak, in their growth rate.

Based on the findings and conclusion, the researchers would like to recommend the following:

1. The use of other crop/plant for the same experiment may be conducted.
2. Add more magnets and compare the results in this study and find out which grow faster.
3. After seed germination, plant it to see further effect of magnetic field on the growth of the seedlings.

In English text.

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