Ronquillo, Hazel M., author.

Siopaonatic / Hazel M. Ronquillo, Jefferson P. Cantiga, and Mayeth E. Perez. - Rosario, Cavite : Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2011. - xiii, 67 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm

Enterprise Development Project (BSBM)--Cavite State University-CCAT Campus, 2011.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

The Enterprise Development Project was conducted from December 14, 2010 to January 29, 2011 at Landmass Park Biga Tanza, Cavite. They also conducted test marketing inside CvSU-Rosario from February 14-24, 2011. It was named "Siopaonatic" which is derived from the two words "siopao" which is the main product and "fanatic", an avid fan of someone or something. Literally it refers to "siopao fanatic" or those people who really love to eat siopao varieties.
The project focused on purchasing and marketing activities of Siopaonatic. It is a business that offers delicious siopao which is a popular food item in the Philippines. The sizes range from jumbo and regular with several stuffing varieties such as asado, bola- bola,chicken and special. They also added sago/gulaman juice to increase customer's convenience. The entrepreneurs contributed total amount of Php 7,500 in order to start the operation of the business. The capital was used to purchase the products, necessary tools and equipments, payments for expenses and other promotional purposes.
The project is a type of partnership business. The duties and responsibilities among the entrepreneurs was fairly distributed as a financial manager, marketing manager and product manager where everyone was given a chance to experience and perform certain duties and responsibilities to understand the flow of the business. The general objective of the study is to provide the entrepreneurs an actual experience in managing a small scale business where the proponents can apply and enhance their management and marketing skills.

One of the major problems encountered by Siopaonatic was the location of the
business. The location was supposedly inside the campus but due to misunderstanding, the proponents changed the original plan and decided to locate the enterprise outside the campus after several weeks of waiting for the decision of the administration. Another problem was price conscious customers. They thought that it was too expensive to buy a piece of siopao compared to simple bread. So, in order to gain more buyers, the entrepreneurs decided to lower the price to make it more affordable. They also used their marketing skills to persuade customers to buy.
After 42 days of operation, the proponents gained a net income of Php 8,402.13 and total sales of Php 36,083.00. The entrepreneurs were able to monitor operating expenses of Siopaonatic which amounted to Php 2,923.75. At the end of the operation, the business summed up with the total ending inventory worth Php 80.88 and a total ending cash balance of Php 12,806.50.
The entrepreneurs realized that this business has a potential if you know how to operate it. But because they are just beginners in this kind of business, they were not able to gain a higher net profit.
If the entrepreneurs decided to continue the business, they would like to have enough knowledge and enough money first in order to expand the operation and activities of the business. Instead of purchasing the supply, they are planning to do the production of siopao with different varieties. Although the proponents have the procedures, still they need to undergo trainings in order to make a good one or else they would hire someone to do the work. The entrepreneurs also like to offer new variety of siopao that would make them unique from competitors. They would also like to make varieties of sauce that will
suit customer's preferences.
Aside from improving the products, they also want to improve the packaging as well as the logo of the business to have a strong impact to the customers. They would accept large orders and deliveries. They could also offer other line of products together with drinks to increase customer's convenience.
If ever that the entrepreneurs failed to continue the business after graduation, what they have learned from it will always be with them. They believed that the real essence of this study is not just to put up a business that they will pursue in the future but also to experience how to put up a real business and also learned from their mistake and allow them to be more equipped not just with knowledge but also with experience.
The proponents recommended that future entrepreneurs must have enough knowledge in business that they are going to put up or put up a business that you really like. They should also look for a strategic place to put up their business. Proper management and marketing skill are needed. Finally, the entrepreneurs must be a risk

In English text.

Food -- Siopao.
Small business -- Management.

UM HF 5415.122 / R66 2011

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