Vega, Violeta A., author

Practice teaching handbook / Violeta A. Vega. - Mandaluyong City : Books Atbp. Publishing, 2008. - vi, 160 pages ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Goals and objectives of practice teaching --
The Field study course --
Practice teaching --
The Effective student teacher --
Knowledge of approaches, strategies and methods of teaching --
Classroom management skills --
The Art of questioning --
Policies and standards for practice teaching --
Supervision and assessment of student teachers --
Looking forward.

Under the Revised Policies and Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education, CHED memorandum No. 30, s. 2004, an important component of teacher training has been introduced and this is the Experiential Learning Courses: Field Study and Practice Teaching.

This booklet aims to help prepare the student teacher for a very important phase of his/her pre-service preparation, Practice Teaching. Since Practice teaching is the heart of teacher education program, all the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the student teacher in the general, professional and methodology courses will be tested and put to practice.

English text.


Student teaching --Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Teachers -- Training of -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.

F LB 2157.A3 / V44 2008

F 370.71 / V522p 2008

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